
Top Factors For Finding An SEO Company In Sydney!

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is complicated, complex, but extremely important for any website. It is one of the core components of any online marketing mix, and no matter what some marketing experts may claim, SEO was never dead. If you have owned a website for a while, chances are high that you have tried DIY SEO, and must have used a few plug-ins. However, SEO is more than just about that. You need a reliable SEO agency Sydney to get your project in track. The good news is there are many marketing firms in Sydney, so there is no dearth of choices for sure. However, as in any industry, there are shady services here too, and clients have to be careful. In this post, we are sharing top factors that can help in finding an SEO agency in the city.

Work experience and clientele

If an SEO company claims that they are among the best in business, they must have enough clients. Check their profile and find more on the clients they have worked with. You would obviously want to work with an agency that has a few known names in their portfolio. Another aspect to consider is the retention rate. How many regular and popular clients do they really have? If a company has many, will they have time for managing your SEO campaign?

Ask about their approach

Some marketing agencies spend a considerable amount of time knowing the client, reviewing their expectations and objectives, and based on requirements, they can plan SEO and a comprehensive marketing mix. Keep in mind that there are no trade secrets in SEO. Almost 80% of the practices follow SEO guidelines provided by search engines, and the rest of it is not much of a secret anyway. However, what distinguishes one good agency from others is their approach to the job.

Get an estimate

This is a no-brainer of sorts. You want to find an SEO agency that is known, reliable and extremely flexible, but they have to fit your budget. Ask for an estimate, which is typically what you pay the agency every month. Some agencies may ask you to sign up for a year or two, for a lower price, but unless you are absolutely sure of the work they do, there is no point of such contracts. The estimate needs to be absolutely transparent, with no scope for add-ons. Many agencies may ask for a specific price for the contract period, to be paid in installments.

Communication matters

SEO is scalable and flexible, and the agency you select should offer regular reports, to help your team understand the growth of your website. Make sure that these SEO reports are sent at least once every month, and beyond that, the company should inform your team when they are making major changes to the website.

If the same agency can handle both SEO and other marketing needs, especially social media marketing and search engine marketing, it is always an added advantage.

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