
Miki Agrawal Looks to Meet Consumer Needs That Others Overlook

Born and raised in Canada, Miki Agrawal has always had a creative vision and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Before she became an entrepreneur, Miki Agrawal originally thought she would make her career in investment banking after moving to New York to attend college. However, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, had a profound effect on her and she decided to leave investment banking to follow her entrepreneurial passions. She spent the next four years creating a life that reflected her values while researching business opportunities.

People often describe Agrawal as irreverent and an industry disruptor, both of which she takes as compliments. She enjoys using positive forces from her own life to impact the larger culture in ways that no one but her could have envisioned. As the author of two books and owner of two companies, Agrawal does not plan to stop disrupting multiple industries any time soon.

Miki Agrawal Brings Innovative Solutions to Unmet Needs

Agrawal’s first entrepreneurial endeavor was opening a farm-to-table gluten-free pizza shop in 2005. Millions of Americans love pizza but cannot eat it due to gluten or dairy sensitivity. Her pizza shop, which opened as Slice and now operates under the name Wild, made eating pizza again a possibility for thousands of New Yorkers.

Miki Agrawal created her first direct-to-consumer product in 2008 with the introduction of a line of underwear that women wear only during their menstrual cycle. The product absorbs stains better and is more efficient and environmentally friendly than anything else on the market. Women who felt frustrated that their feminine products could not completely prevent stains flocked to this product as soon as it became available.

More than a decade later, Agrawal found herself struggling with rashes and other problems caused by not being able to get herself completely clean after defecating. Agrawal had an overactive digestive system due to hyperthyroidism and knew that other people must be struggling with the same issues. She even resorted to taking a few showers a day just to make sure she was truly clean after using the bathroom.

Upon researching solutions to her problem, disrupt-her Miki Agrawal learned that many countries routinely add bidets to toilets that spray water to loosen feces particles. Her husband brought home a bidet from Asia that did not work as efficiently as most, but she did not care. She felt a world of difference after using the Asian bidet just one time and could not understand why bidets were not mainstream in America already. This was the beginning of TUSHY, a bidet for the American market that has been wildly successful.

Helping Others Reach Their Potential through Books

Agrawal delights not only in making innovative products but also in helping others unleash their own creativity. She has published two books to date that inspire people to create a career for themselves based on their personal passions. A third book, called Heart Wisdom, is in the works. The book is Agrawal’s first literary work, and people around the world anxiously await its publication later this year.

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