Heating Options for Swimming Pools
If the water in your pool is too chilly, you will most likely not swim in it. If you wish to use your pool on days other than sunny days, you should invest in an efficient pool heating system.
You can extend your swimming season by heating your pool. Swimming is only possible without heating during the summer months, from May until the end of August. You may easily swim for up to 4 months longer with heating, from April until the end of October. You can even swim all year round with some systems.
Heat pump
Solar pool heating depends on the amount of sunlight available. As a result, a heat pump is an excellent alternative to relying on the sun for energy.
Using heat pumps for swimming pools to heat your pool water has several advantages. A heat pump is extremely efficient, cost-effective, simple to operate, and long-lasting.
Compared to a gas or fuel pool heating system, this heating method is far more environmentally friendly. Heat pumps, on the other hand, have a long service life.
Solar Water Heaters
Solar water heaters are primarily used for home heating or sanitary purposes. The quantity of panels installed on the roof determines the particular use. You can also use a solar water heater to heat your pool in addition to your home.
Although this is significantly more environmentally friendly than gas or fuel heating, the solar water heater still requires electricity to operate.
On overcast days, they have the disadvantage of working at a lower efficiency. The solar water heater has to work extra hard to heat up or keep the pool warm on days like this. As a result, you’ll have to continue to rely on sunlight to keep your pool heated.
Solar Mats or EDPM Mats
Solar mats are frequently used to heat smaller swimming pools and later removed in the winter. The water is circulated through the mats in a pool heating system based on EDPM or solar mats. The sun heats it there. The solar mats become warm as a result of exposure to the sun. The heat is subsequently transferred to the pool water by the mats.
This method is primarily for smaller pools. For starters, pumping the entire volume of water through the solar mats takes longer in a large-volume pool. As a result, these mats take a long time to thoroughly heat up a large pool.
Dome-shaped Solar Collectors
These sun collectors work is quite similar to how solar mats work. On the other hand, the piping is coiled up into a dome, where the water is heated. This system takes up much less area than solar mats.
However, this pool heating system is only recommended for small pools. It also relies on sunshine and expends a significant amount of energy to pump water through the domes.
Finding a cost-efficient way to heat your pool is necessary to get the most use out of your pool all year round. Hopefully, these options to heat your pool will help you find the best option for your needs.